Monday, November 14, 2011

Asian Historical Events

Two major wars come to mind when thinking about the history Americans and Asians have shared. The Korean War and the Vietnam War.

For starters, the Korean War was actually a war that the U.S.A. helped in. They came to the rescue of the Korean's instead of fighting against them like in the other battles mentioned with the different cultures. At the time of the war, Korea was being taken over by Communism and because the United States is part of the United Nations and believe in the Truman Doctrine, America sent troops to Korea to help.

Just like the Korean War, the Vietnam War was centered around the fear of Communism as well. In high hopes to stop Communism from spreading, American once again got involved to help support the South Vietnamese government resist the attack of the North Communists. 

Native American Historical Events

The American Indian Wars were the conflicts between settlers and the natives before and after the American Revolutionary War. The wars were a result of European settlers  becoming greedy over land and pushing the natives out of their own territories. In order to "remove" the natives, the European Settlers either did it by force, or created treaties.

Reservations also played a major role in the historical events between the Americans and the Native Americans. Because of the white man's greed, they constantly were taking the land that did not belong to them from the natives by force. They decided to give the natives the so called "unwanted" land and called them reservations. The whites may argue that the reservations they provided were a means of survival for the natives. However, a lot of natives strongly disagree with this statement and believe the reservations were created in order to "kill off" their kind.

Hispanic American Historical Events

Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the history of the United States. The economic, social and political aspects of immigration have caused quite the controversy between Americans and Hispanics. There has been increased border control enforcement in the recent years in order to "better protect America."However, as of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents then all the other countries in the world combined." The United States has a lot of work on with this controversial topic.

The Mexican-American War is also a major historical event to take place between Americans and the Hispanics. To put the battle in a nut shell-the major causes of this war for starters was America's greed to expand their nation from "sea to shinning sea." Even if this meant starting a war; nothing was going to stand in their way of creating a bigger and better nation. The second main reason was the fight for Texas terriotory. American ended up with the bigger part of the stick in this war and came away with California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

African American Historical Events

After the American Civil War, most states in the south passed anti-African American legislation know as the Jim Crow Laws. These laws were severely discriminant towards the African Americans and believed they should be "separate but equal" (Plessy v. Ferguson) These laws separated the whites and blacks in public places such as schools, restrooms, hotels, cinemas, and transportation. Even drinking fountains were distinctively "white" or "black only!" These awful laws were finally ended and over-ruled by Brown V. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Acts.  

Not only did white Americans put the African Americans through those unfair laws, they also made them constantly fear for their lives. Two ways they did this was by the use of lynching and the group of the gruesome Klu Klux Klan. (KKK) "The Klu Klux Klan is a racist, anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation and white supremacy." "Lynching was an execution carried out by a mob (usually the Klu Klux Klan) often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting. The Klan killed over 3,446 in over 86 years by the method of lynching." 


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hispanic American Music

Hispanic American music is used as a means of celebration and providing entertainment. Jennifer Lopez is an example of a successful Hispanic American musiciam how has albums out in both English and Spanish. She is known for singing powerful songs that are also entertaining. Below is an example of one of her songs.


Native American Music

Native American music is generally comprised of traditional tribal music passed down through the generations and perforemed as a celebration of their culture. Some of their music, however, has also entered into subgenres of popular music such as reggae, rock, and hip hop. Below is an example of a Cherokee morning song, it is characterized by beautiful sounds and rhythms.


Asian American Music

There is a great defict in main stream Asian American music. Asians are stereotyped as the "studious geek," doing well in school, know kung-fu, and experts of classical instruments. One Asian singer/songwriter was told on a number of occasions that if it were not for him being Asian he would have been signed. Below is an example of music from an Asian band trying to break these stereotypes and become successful in the music industry.
